IGOR Gorgonzola comes from a centuries-old tradition of cheese making.
Gorgonzola is one of the most popular and widely enjoyed cheeses in the world. A worldwide ambassador of Made in Italy, its blue-green veining immediately evokes the plains and pastures of the Piedmont and Lombardy regions.
Organoleptic properties:PDO (protected designation of origin) raw paste cheese.
Aspect: (intense) pink,
non-edible rough rind;
straw-colored with typical green-blue veins.
Touch: soft and creamy texture.
Smell: agreeable and appetizing.
Flavor: sweet, mild
The first Gorgonzola ever to be produced dates back to the end of the ninth century in a small village near Milan called Gorgonzola, hence the name. Gorgonzola was initially referred to as green stracchino being produced from the milk of weary (i.e. stracco in the local dialect) cows recovering from the long descent from the high mountain pastures to the valley, where they would produce a kind of milk particularly suitable for the production of soft cheese.
Over the centuries, the production of Gorgonzola has spread throughout a vast but homogenous territory, so that now Novara, a land rich in water, pastures, and livestock, has become the new capital of Gorgonzola. Indeed, the Novara area, because of its geographical location situated between Monte Rosa and the Ticino River, offers the best climate conditions to grow grapevines and produce high-quality foods. A peculiarity first acknowledged by the historian Tacitus in Roman times.
Later on, Gorgonzola has been able to cross the borders of its homeland to be known everywhere thanks to the writings of famous authors such as Alessandro Manzoni – in chapter 16 of the "The Betrothed", Renzo was offered some stracchino and some good wine – Hermann Hesse, Carducci, James Joyce, and many others.
Non-edible rind.
This product is refrigerated.
The product cannot be shipped by courier at this time.
Collection and Delivery are available only for CHESTER AREA (3 miles from our Shop).
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Whole cow’s MILK (98.26%)
Selected MILK enzymes (1.5%)
Selected Penicillium moulds (0.01%)
Dehydrated sea salt (0.21%)
Animal rennet (0.02%)